Professor Zhu was elected as a NASCE fellow in 2022. He earned his B.S. from Xiamen University in China (1984), and M.Sc (1988) and PhD (1991) from the University of Tokyo. He was a research scientist at Central Research Institute Maruha Co. Japan (1991-1992), and a postdoctoral fellow (1992-1993) and subsequently a research associate at University of Texas at Austin from (1993-2001). He joined the East Carolina University faculty as an assistant professor in 2002. He was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2008, and to full professor with tenure in 2015. Professor Zhu’ research interests are the regulation of ovulation and oocyte maturation in vertebrates, the functions and signaling of steroid hormones, their receptors and downstream targets in reproduction with emphasis on the genomic and nongenomic signaling of steroids, regulation and functions of metalloproteases in gonad formation, sex reversal, fertility, and ovulation. The most significant contribution of Professor Zhu was a breakthrough discovery of a novel class of membrane progestin receptor family in vertebrates. His publications have been cited highly. Professor Zhu’s research has been funded continuously by USA National Science foundation, North Carolina Biotechnology Center, and USA National Institute of Health. Professor Zhu has served on many domestic and international grant review panels including NSF review panels, VA Biomedical Laboratory/Clinical Science Scientific Merit Review Board Endocrinology-A Study Section, ad-hoc reviewer for NIH Director’s Pioneer Award. Professor Yong Zhu is an active member of comparative endocrinology society, had organized various symposia for NASCE and other comparative endocrinology societies including The European Society for Comparative Endocrinology (ESCE), the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology, and International Symposium of Chinese Comparative Endocrinologists. Professor Zhu is a member of editorial board of General and Comparative Endocrinology, an associate editor for Frontiers in Experimental Endocrinology, an International Honorary Editor of Endocrine Journal (Japan). He has been serving as a member of award committee for NASCE for many years. He was elected as a NASCE fellow in 2022, NASCE council member and the chair of NASCE Communication Committee in 2023.
Link to Dr. Zhu’s Lab
Link to Dr. Zhu’s Lab